The modem strings are in the "bbsconfig" file under "modems".
The file format is like this (comments are NOT in the file so DO NOT include them):
2400,1,0 - Maximum baud your modem has (30 chars max) LINE 1
(,) 0=No carrier detect HARDWARE cable used
1=Detect Carrier with cable (HIGHLY RECOMENDED)
The ,0 will be for using DTR hang up when it's available.
ATH0E0V0M1S0=0S2=2 - Modem string (up to 250 characters allowed here)
2400,1,0 - Maximum baud your modem has (30 chars max) LINE 2
ATH0E0V0M1S0=0S2=2 - Modem string (up to 250 characters allowed here)
(note that some modems only allow 35 characters on one line!)
And so on for each line....
The S2=2 is standard Hayes for making the "+++" into ASCII code 2. The V0 means we want numeric result codes only. You may have to tell your modem to send NO EXTENDED RESULT CODES if it's a 9600 MNP type. You need to READ your modem's manual. There's some other text in this archive about modems and strings.
The "serial" module doesn't handle hardware handshaking, so you would have to have new serial module to handle 19200 type modems correctly. I'm sure someone will have one soon. It would be nice to have a much more configurable one.
The "modems" module handles all the modem string stuff, and other modules may be available later that handle special modems.
I HIGHLY RECOMMEND GETTING A CARRIER DETECT MODEM CABLE !! This is a standard modem cable most of the time. If you're not sure, use a "ohm" meter and check your pins against the "modem cable" file.
WHY CARRIER DETECT ? Because your thousands of users will keep getting BUSY signals while your BBS waits to TIME OUT !!! Now picture this:
You are NOT running a carrier detect cable, a user hangs up on your system, someone else calls the BBS (with their AUTODIAL on just to make things worse) and the modem then sends the "ring" to the serial port. GUESS WHAT THE BBS THINKS ??? It thinks a user is STILL TYPING ! (so it NEVER hangs up for HOURS !)
Please, please, please run a proper cable. If you have CHECKED your cable and it's sending back carrier detect for sure, there may be some sort of Mac hardware change that prevents the "serial" module from detecting carrier detect. IT'S MOST LIKELY YOUR MODEM STRINGS ! Some modems need &C1 or C1 in the string in order to send back carrier detect.
Try the "Cable Test" program, the instructions are in the HELP folder.
If you are really having problems, look for other "serial" modules on the support BBS and see if others are having the same problems. ALL serial I/O is handled through a REPLACEABLE module !
The BBS can use BOTH ports if you want it to. It WILL not access any special serial cards till someone writes a "serial" module to handle them.
You can select "Modems to Ring" from the pull down menu, it will SHUT the modems up if you don't have the cables hooked to anything. (it skips to wait for a ring)
If you are UNSURE of your strings, and as a TEMPORARY measure, take out the &C0 or just C0 and the M1 (speaker setting) so that you have only the basics for your modem. Then put in 1200,0,0 in the first line so that you are running at 1200 baud with NO hardware carrier detect. This should let you at least get the BBS running, then you can play with it ADDING ONE THING AT A TIME till you figure out what's going on.
Some modems DONT send out carrier detect unless you set the modem string up !
ATC1 on some modems, AT&C1 on others ! You need to look in your modem's manual !
Read the MUBBS instructions for more info !
If its not, carier detect is ALWAYS on ALL THE TIME !
There MAY be other modules available for other modems! There is a USR HST module available on the Support BBS if you are using a HST!
If you want to know what the heck these things are doing:
H0 = Hang up (we send this string to hang up too)
E0 = Doesn't ECHO back what we send it.
V0 = Displays result codes in numeric format (no "RING" just "2")
M1 = Speaker on till modem connects
S0=0 = Don't answer the phone automaticly (the BBS sends a "ATA")
S2=2 = Our escape code is now ASCII CODE #02, not "+++" anymore.
C1 = or &C1 means send back the ACTUAL carrier detect to us.
(the following are special for the 9600 Galaxy modem)
\G0 = Disable modem port flow control. You need this so that sending "Xon/Xoff" doesn't stop the modem from sending. This is important for Xmodem transfers with a "buffered" type of modem.
\Q0 = Disable port flow control for MNP link (see above \G0)
\V0 = Disable modified result codes. This is IMPORTANT so that the modem doesn't send "32" or "45" for "CONNECT 2400 MNP V.4", it instead sends "10" for connect 2400, you don't care what connection it is, just the speed.
\J1 = Adjust data rate of computer. This means that the modem DOESN'T stay at the same speed (normally 9600) when you connect at 1200. This is IMPORTANT for file transfer (so the buffer doesn't get full real quick).
X1 = Enable result codes 0-5, 10-13. This keeps the result codes to normal "Hayes" compatable stuff.
You need to find these codes for your modem. The "9600" ones are needed when you are running a "buffered" newer 9600 type modem.
Some modems allow you to do a &W so that the modem string is automaticly loaded into the modem at power up. This will help MUBBS in setting the modem up the first time.
The MUBBS "modems" module is currectly set to detect these results (these are "hayes" standard):
1 = 300 connect
2 = Ring detect
5 = 1200 connect
10 = 2400 connect
12 = 9600 connect
13 = 19200 connect
Here's a list of MODEM STRINGS that seem to work for other people. Check the "MUBBS Echo" and the support BBS's for more modem string updates.
Hayes ATH0E0V0M1S0=0S2=2&C1
Some Hayes compatables ATHE0V0M1S0=0S2=2&C1
Prometheus Promodem 2400, Kyocera KM 2400 (hayes compatable)
NEC 2420 (hayes compatable) ATH0E0V0M1S0=0S2=2C1
SUPRA v.32bis ATS0=0Q0V0E0M0S2=1S95=1X1W0&D2
Galaxy Networks UFO (V.32/V.42bis), Apollo V.32
Multitech 2400 (needs the "E" model!) ATX4H0E0V0M1S0=0S2=2&C1